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Mayra - Listening

Mayra - Listening

Clique aqui e ouça a música: SIGA MAYRA: Listening (Bruno Martini / Mayra Arduini) It happened once to me And twice to her Some aren’t even here To spread the word It happens every day And we’re not safe But God is a man Like all the others are And I can’t even look at myself I don’t belong to myself no more I feel ashamed of myself wish you could see I’m on my knees and Pray so I’ll be heard for once You listening Cause it can be anyone I’ll be heard for once You listening Cause it can be anyone, one, one, one, one Cause it can be anyone, one, one, one, one I have the memories But that’s no proof It’s stained inside of me Like a tattoo I’ve learned to hide myself That doesn’t work They give me compliments That I don’t want She can’t even look at herself She don’t belong to herself no more She feels ashamed of herself Wish you could see, she’s on her knees now Pray so I’ll be heard for once You listening Cause if can be anyone I’ll be heard for once You listening Cause it can be anyone, one, one, one, one Cause it can be anyone, one, one, one, one Cause it can be anyone, one, one, one, one Cause it can be anyone, one, one, one, one You listening, are you listening It can be Anyone around me You listening Are you listening Cause It can be Anyone around me You listening Are you listening Cause it can be Anyone around me Yeah It can be Anyone around me Direção A&R: Miguel Cariello Gerente A&R: Rogerio Gonçalves Coordenação A&R: Fernanda Mesa, Igor Alarcon e Camilla Lins Label Manager: Pollyanna Assumpção Produzida por: Bruno Martini Diretor de Vídeo: Patrícia Galucci #Mayra #Listening Produção: Maria João Filmes (@mariajoaofilmes) Com: Daniel Mazzarolo (@mazzadan) , Luiz Renato (@natoeutonia), Paulo Salvetti(@polsalvetti), Eric Meirelles(@ericmeireles), Thiago Cavalcante (@thiago2cavalcante) Ass Executiva: Cecilia Mazzeto (@ceciliamazetto) Direção: Patricia Galucci (@patriciagalucci) Ass. Direção: Juka Tatini (@jukatatini) Roteiro: Patricia Galucci e Luiza Fazio (_faziology) Diretora de Produção: Liza Schechtmann (@lizaschechtmann) Produtor: Carolina Batista(@escaroles) Fotografia: Alice Gouveia (@caminhosdealice) 1˚ Assistente de Câmera - Isis Caroline Pereira de Souza Direção de arte: Carol Ozzi (@carolozzi) e Marina Eisenhauer (@eisenhauermarina) Produtora de Objeto: Mariana Kinker (@marianakinker) Cenotecnica: Celia Regina (@celia_regina_freitas) Assistente de Arte - Paulo José Pereira do Nascimento; Wallace Simmons Eletricista: Janaina Ribeiro Figurino: Nicole Nativa (@nicoleninaimagem) e Sofia Ortiz (sofiahelenaortiz) Maquiagem: Mariana Guedes (@mariguedes219) Coreografo: (94tago) Coordenador de Pós: Leonardo Drehmer (@leonardodrehmer) Finalização Cor: Alice Gouveia Design Gráfico e Logger: Alice Jardim (@alicejardim) Catering: Rosana Peixoto APOIOS Pura Casa (puracasasp) Laboratorio de Drone Disk Films Elite Cam AGRADECIMENTOS Atelier Cenico Carlos Candido Juily Malani Nivaldo Vasconcelos Neusa Vitória Galhardo Lucas Thomaz Daniela Souto Music video by Mayra performing Listening. © 2019 AfterCluv / Universal Music International
Mayra - Monster

Mayra - Monster

Clique aqui e ouça a música: SIGA MAYRA: Monster (Written and performed by Mayra de Grammont Arduini) There you go again Knocking in my head at night Keep me up until sunrise There I go again Wondering just what I'm not Questioning my gift from God If could silence your voice Then I would I’d pull you out of me head if I could I’m tired of the lie Of telling people that I'm fine Why can’t you just let me be I’m never alone There’s a monster in my head It’s hiding in the shadows It seems permanent I suffocate until I cry Trying to fill this void inside When I feel good again You come remind me what I am Trying to pull me into the sand I reach for light But you give me dark I search for pieces you stole from my heart I take a pill to try Just to get rid of you tonight So why can’t you just let me be There’s a monster in my head I’m never alone There’s a monster in my head It’s hiding in the shadows Trying to get rid of you But I can’t You’re my only friend Trying to get rid of you But I can’t you’re my only friend It seems permanent Knocking in my head again Monster in my head So why can’t you just let me be There’s a monster in my head I’m never alone There’s a monster in my head It’s hiding in the shadows There’s a monster in my head I’m never alone There’s a monster in my head It’s hiding in the shadows Direção A&R: Miguel Cariello Gerente A&R: Rogerio Gonçalves Coordenação A&R: Fernanda Mesa, Igor Alarcon e Camilla Lins Label Manager: Rodrigo Leite Produzida por: Bruno Martini Diretor de Vídeo: Patrícia Galucci #Mayra #Monster #BrunoMartini Produção: Maria João Filmes (@mariajoaofilmes) Com: Daniel Mazzarolo (@mazzadan) , Thaís Dias (@thaisdias_atrizj, Viviane Clara (@viviane_clara), Glamour Garcia (@glamourgarcia), Geovana Oliveira (@geoliveir), Carolina Hamanaka (@carolinaestrelax), Liza Schechtmann (@lizaschechtmann) Ass Executiva: Cecilia Mazzeto (@ceciliamazetto) Direção: Patricia Galucci (@patriciagalucci) Ass. Direção: Juka Tatini (@jukatatini) Roteiro: Patricia Galucci e Luiza Fazio (_faziology) Diretor de Produção: César Ramos e Gustavo Sanna Produtor: Carolina Batista(@escaroles) Fotografia: Alice Gouveia (@caminhosdealice) 1˚ Assistente de Câmera - Isis Caroline Pereira de Souza 2 Assistente de Câmera - Adrianne Meddeiros Direção de arte: Carol Ozzi (@carolozzi) e Marina Eisenhauer (@eisenhauermarina) Produtora de Objeto: Mariana Kinker (@marianakinker) Assistente de Arte - Paulo José Pereira do Nascimento (@irmndd.sw) ; Walacce Simmons Eletricista: Tati Ursulino Ass. Elétrica: Joyce Aparecida Santos Almeida Figurino: Nicole Nativa (@nicoleninaimagem) e Sofia Ortiz (sofiahelenaortiz) Ass. figurino: Tati Selio (@tatiselio) e Marisa Camareira: Raquel Feitosa Maquiagem: Mariana Guedes (@mariguedes219) Coreografo: Tiago Oli (94tago) Coordenador de Pós: Leonardo Drehmer (@leonardodrehmer) Design Gráfico e Logger: Alice Jardim (@alicejardim) Catering: Thaís Melgar e Déborah Benetti Finalização: Clandestino Colorista: Brunno Schiavon e Alice Gouveia Ass. De finalização: Luiza Freire e Letícia Midori Financeiro: Silvia Dotta Administrativo: Gabrielle Dotta Supervisão Geral: Alexandre Cristófaro APOIOS Marca Fala (@marcafala) Hugo Infláveis (@huginflaveis) Pura Casa (puracasasp) Disk Films Elite Cam Best Comunicação AGRADECIMENTOS Atelier Cenico Juily Malani Nivaldo Vasconcelos Neusa Vitória Galhardo Lucas Thomaz Daniela Souto Carolina Sugiyama Alline Fregne -- Maria João filmes. Patricia Galucci tel:(11) 97257-5786 -- Maria João filmes. Patricia Galucci tel:(11) 97257-5786 Music video by Mayra performing Monster. © 2019 AfterCluv / Universal Music International
Mayra - Looking For You

Mayra - Looking For You

Clique aqui e ouça a música: SIGA MAYRA: Looking For You (Written and performed by Mayra de Grammont Arduini) Listen I never wanna see you leave my side I never wanna get you of my mind You’re the peace of me I just can’t find I just can’t find If you Listen I never wanna see you leave my side I never wanna get you of my mind You’re the peace of me I just can’t find I just can’t find Chasing down a road that I can’t find Trying to acknowledge your existence If only there where sun light in my eyes Then maybe I could see you in the distance I chase you on the pave-lines Suddenly I see my own despair I never really knew that I was scared no no no Hanging by a tread of spider webs You could’ve just left me right there Listen I never wanna see you leave my side I never wanna get you of my mind You’re the peace of me I just can’t find I just can’t find Following the scent, you left a trail Lost inside these woods I try to reach you Looking up to find you in way up there You’re the constellation I still see through I lose you in the deem lights For once I almost felt in my hands But suddenly your body turns to sand oh no no I try to dig you up but nothings there I swore to myself you where there Listen I never wanna see you leave my side I never wanna get you of my mind You’re the peace of me I just can’t find I just can’t find If you Listen I never wanna see you leave my side I never wanna get you of my mind You’re the peace of me I just can’t find I just can’t find Looking for you Looking for you Yeah I’m looking for you Looking for you Yeah I’m looking for you I just can’t find Direção A&R: Miguel Cariello Gerente A&R: Rogerio Gonçalves Coordenação A&R: Fernanda Mesa, Igor Alarcon e Camilla Lins Label Manager: Bárbara Cotta Produção: Maria João Filmes (@mariajoaofilmes) Com: Thaís Dias (@thaisdias_atrizj), Viviane Clara (@viviane_clara), Geovana Oliveira (@geoliveir), Liza Schechtmann (@lizaschechtmann) Daniel Mazzarolo (@mazzadan), Luiz Renato (@natoeutonia), Paulo Salvetti (polsalvetti), Eric Meirelles (ericmeirelles), Thiago Cavalcante (@thiago2cavalcante), Rafael Souza (@rafa.normau) Ass Executiva: Cecília Mazetto (@ceciliamazetto) Direção: Patricia Galucci (@patriciagalucci) Ass. Direção: Juka Tatini (@jukatatini) Roteiro: Patricia Galucci e Luiza Fazio (@_faziology) Diretor de Produção: Carolina Batista(@escaroles) Fotografia: Alice Gouveia (@caminhosdealice) 1˚ Assistente de Câmera - Isis Caroline Pereira de Souza Direção de arte: Carol Ozzi (@carolozzi) e Marina Eisenhauer (@eisenhauermarina) Produtora de Objeto: Mariana Kinker (@marianakinker) Eletricista: Tati Ursulino Ass. Elétrica: Joyce Aparecida Santos Almeida Figurino: Nicole Nativa (@nicoleninaimagem) e Sofia Ortiz (sofiahelenaortiz) Ass. figurino: Tati Selio (@tatiselio) e Raquel Feitosa Maquiagem: Mariana Guedes (@mariguedes219) Ass. Maquiagem: Higor Baptista (@higorbp) Coreografa: Daniela Souto e Thiago Oli (@94tago) Coordenador de Pós: Leonardo Drehmer (@leonardodrehmer) Finalização de cor: Alice Gouveia (@caminhosdealice) Design Gráfico e Logger: Alice Jardim (@alicejardim) Catering: Rosana Peixoto Apoios: Pura Casa (@puracasasp) Disk Filmes Elite Cam Besto Comunicação Museu Funicular (Sidney) Agradecimentos: Atelier Cênico Juily Malani Nivaldo Vasconcelos Lígia Vicentini Neusa Vitória Galhardo Patrícia Abuhab #Mayra #LookingForYou Music video by Mayra performing Looking For You. © 2019 AfterCluv / Universal Music International
Mayra - Monster

Mayra - Monster

Clique aqui e ouça a música: SIGA MAYRA: Monster (Written and performed by Mayra de Grammont Arduini) There you go again Knocking in my head at night Keep me up until sunrise There I go again Wondering just what I'm not Questioning my gift from God If could silence your voice Then I would I’d pull you out of me head if I could I’m tired of the lie Of telling people that I'm fine Why can’t you just let me be I’m never alone There’s a monster in my head It’s hiding in the shadows It seems permanent I suffocate until I cry Trying to fill this void inside When I feel good again You come remind me what I am Trying to pull me into the sand I reach for light But you give me dark I search for pieces you stole from my heart I take a pill to try Just to get rid of you tonight So why can’t you just let me be There’s a monster in my head I’m never alone There’s a monster in my head It’s hiding in the shadows Trying to get rid of you But I can’t You’re my only friend Trying to get rid of you But I can’t you’re my only friend It seems permanent Knocking in my head again Monster in my head So why can’t you just let me be There’s a monster in my head I’m never alone There’s a monster in my head It’s hiding in the shadows There’s a monster in my head I’m never alone There’s a monster in my head It’s hiding in the shadows Direção A&R: Miguel Cariello Gerente A&R: Rogerio Gonçalves Coordenação A&R: Fernanda Mesa, Igor Alarcon e Camilla Lins Label Manager: Rodrigo Leite Produzida por: Bruno Martini Diretor de Vídeo: Patrícia Galucci #Mayra #Monster #BrunoMartini Produção: Maria João Filmes (@mariajoaofilmes) Com: Daniel Mazzarolo (@mazzadan) , Thaís Dias (@thaisdias_atrizj, Viviane Clara (@viviane_clara), Glamour Garcia (@glamourgarcia), Geovana Oliveira (@geoliveir), Carolina Hamanaka (@carolinaestrelax), Liza Schechtmann (@lizaschechtmann) Ass Executiva: Cecilia Mazzeto (@ceciliamazetto) Direção: Patricia Galucci (@patriciagalucci) Ass. Direção: Juka Tatini (@jukatatini) Roteiro: Patricia Galucci e Luiza Fazio (_faziology) Diretor de Produção: César Ramos e Gustavo Sanna Produtor: Carolina Batista(@escaroles) Fotografia: Alice Gouveia (@caminhosdealice) 1˚ Assistente de Câmera - Isis Caroline Pereira de Souza 2 Assistente de Câmera - Adrianne Meddeiros Direção de arte: Carol Ozzi (@carolozzi) e Marina Eisenhauer (@eisenhauermarina) Produtora de Objeto: Mariana Kinker (@marianakinker) Assistente de Arte - Paulo José Pereira do Nascimento (@irmndd.sw) ; Walacce Simmons Eletricista: Tati Ursulino Ass. Elétrica: Joyce Aparecida Santos Almeida Figurino: Nicole Nativa (@nicoleninaimagem) e Sofia Ortiz (sofiahelenaortiz) Ass. figurino: Tati Selio (@tatiselio) e Marisa Camareira: Raquel Feitosa Maquiagem: Mariana Guedes (@mariguedes219) Coreografo: Tiago Oli (94tago) Coordenador de Pós: Leonardo Drehmer (@leonardodrehmer) Design Gráfico e Logger: Alice Jardim (@alicejardim) Catering: Thaís Melgar e Déborah Benetti Finalização: Clandestino Colorista: Brunno Schiavon e Alice Gouveia Ass. De finalização: Luiza Freire e Letícia Midori Financeiro: Silvia Dotta Administrativo: Gabrielle Dotta Supervisão Geral: Alexandre Cristófaro APOIOS Marca Fala (@marcafala) Hugo Infláveis (@huginflaveis) Pura Casa (puracasasp) Disk Films Elite Cam Best Comunicação AGRADECIMENTOS Atelier Cenico Juily Malani Nivaldo Vasconcelos Neusa Vitória Galhardo Lucas Thomaz Daniela Souto Carolina Sugiyama Alline Fregne -- Maria João filmes. Patricia Galucci tel:(11) 97257-5786 -- Maria João filmes. Patricia Galucci tel:(11) 97257-5786 Music video by Mayra performing Monster. © 2019 AfterCluv / Universal Music International
Mayra - Listening

Mayra - Listening

Clique aqui e ouça a música: SIGA MAYRA: Listening (Bruno Martini / Mayra Arduini) It happened once to me And twice to her Some aren’t even here To spread the word It happens every day And we’re not safe But God is a man Like all the others are And I can’t even look at myself I don’t belong to myself no more I feel ashamed of myself wish you could see I’m on my knees and Pray so I’ll be heard for once You listening Cause it can be anyone I’ll be heard for once You listening Cause it can be anyone, one, one, one, one Cause it can be anyone, one, one, one, one I have the memories But that’s no proof It’s stained inside of me Like a tattoo I’ve learned to hide myself That doesn’t work They give me compliments That I don’t want She can’t even look at herself She don’t belong to herself no more She feels ashamed of herself Wish you could see, she’s on her knees now Pray so I’ll be heard for once You listening Cause if can be anyone I’ll be heard for once You listening Cause it can be anyone, one, one, one, one Cause it can be anyone, one, one, one, one Cause it can be anyone, one, one, one, one Cause it can be anyone, one, one, one, one You listening, are you listening It can be Anyone around me You listening Are you listening Cause It can be Anyone around me You listening Are you listening Cause it can be Anyone around me Yeah It can be Anyone around me Direção A&R: Miguel Cariello Gerente A&R: Rogerio Gonçalves Coordenação A&R: Fernanda Mesa, Igor Alarcon e Camilla Lins Label Manager: Pollyanna Assumpção Produzida por: Bruno Martini Diretor de Vídeo: Patrícia Galucci #Mayra #Listening Produção: Maria João Filmes (@mariajoaofilmes) Com: Daniel Mazzarolo (@mazzadan) , Luiz Renato (@natoeutonia), Paulo Salvetti(@polsalvetti), Eric Meirelles(@ericmeireles), Thiago Cavalcante (@thiago2cavalcante) Ass Executiva: Cecilia Mazzeto (@ceciliamazetto) Direção: Patricia Galucci (@patriciagalucci) Ass. Direção: Juka Tatini (@jukatatini) Roteiro: Patricia Galucci e Luiza Fazio (_faziology) Diretora de Produção: Liza Schechtmann (@lizaschechtmann) Produtor: Carolina Batista(@escaroles) Fotografia: Alice Gouveia (@caminhosdealice) 1˚ Assistente de Câmera - Isis Caroline Pereira de Souza Direção de arte: Carol Ozzi (@carolozzi) e Marina Eisenhauer (@eisenhauermarina) Produtora de Objeto: Mariana Kinker (@marianakinker) Cenotecnica: Celia Regina (@celia_regina_freitas) Assistente de Arte - Paulo José Pereira do Nascimento; Wallace Simmons Eletricista: Janaina Ribeiro Figurino: Nicole Nativa (@nicoleninaimagem) e Sofia Ortiz (sofiahelenaortiz) Maquiagem: Mariana Guedes (@mariguedes219) Coreografo: (94tago) Coordenador de Pós: Leonardo Drehmer (@leonardodrehmer) Finalização Cor: Alice Gouveia Design Gráfico e Logger: Alice Jardim (@alicejardim) Catering: Rosana Peixoto APOIOS Pura Casa (puracasasp) Laboratorio de Drone Disk Films Elite Cam AGRADECIMENTOS Atelier Cenico Carlos Candido Juily Malani Nivaldo Vasconcelos Neusa Vitória Galhardo Lucas Thomaz Daniela Souto Music video by Mayra performing Listening. © 2019 AfterCluv / Universal Music International
Mayra - Looking For You

Mayra - Looking For You

Clique aqui e ouça a música: SIGA MAYRA: Looking For You (Written and performed by Mayra de Grammont Arduini) Listen I never wanna see you leave my side I never wanna get you of my mind You’re the peace of me I just can’t find I just can’t find If you Listen I never wanna see you leave my side I never wanna get you of my mind You’re the peace of me I just can’t find I just can’t find Chasing down a road that I can’t find Trying to acknowledge your existence If only there where sun light in my eyes Then maybe I could see you in the distance I chase you on the pave-lines Suddenly I see my own despair I never really knew that I was scared no no no Hanging by a tread of spider webs You could’ve just left me right there Listen I never wanna see you leave my side I never wanna get you of my mind You’re the peace of me I just can’t find I just can’t find Following the scent, you left a trail Lost inside these woods I try to reach you Looking up to find you in way up there You’re the constellation I still see through I lose you in the deem lights For once I almost felt in my hands But suddenly your body turns to sand oh no no I try to dig you up but nothings there I swore to myself you where there Listen I never wanna see you leave my side I never wanna get you of my mind You’re the peace of me I just can’t find I just can’t find If you Listen I never wanna see you leave my side I never wanna get you of my mind You’re the peace of me I just can’t find I just can’t find Looking for you Looking for you Yeah I’m looking for you Looking for you Yeah I’m looking for you I just can’t find Direção A&R: Miguel Cariello Gerente A&R: Rogerio Gonçalves Coordenação A&R: Fernanda Mesa, Igor Alarcon e Camilla Lins Label Manager: Bárbara Cotta Produção: Maria João Filmes (@mariajoaofilmes) Com: Thaís Dias (@thaisdias_atrizj), Viviane Clara (@viviane_clara), Geovana Oliveira (@geoliveir), Liza Schechtmann (@lizaschechtmann) Daniel Mazzarolo (@mazzadan), Luiz Renato (@natoeutonia), Paulo Salvetti (polsalvetti), Eric Meirelles (ericmeirelles), Thiago Cavalcante (@thiago2cavalcante), Rafael Souza (@rafa.normau) Ass Executiva: Cecília Mazetto (@ceciliamazetto) Direção: Patricia Galucci (@patriciagalucci) Ass. Direção: Juka Tatini (@jukatatini) Roteiro: Patricia Galucci e Luiza Fazio (@_faziology) Diretor de Produção: Carolina Batista(@escaroles) Fotografia: Alice Gouveia (@caminhosdealice) 1˚ Assistente de Câmera - Isis Caroline Pereira de Souza Direção de arte: Carol Ozzi (@carolozzi) e Marina Eisenhauer (@eisenhauermarina) Produtora de Objeto: Mariana Kinker (@marianakinker) Eletricista: Tati Ursulino Ass. Elétrica: Joyce Aparecida Santos Almeida Figurino: Nicole Nativa (@nicoleninaimagem) e Sofia Ortiz (sofiahelenaortiz) Ass. figurino: Tati Selio (@tatiselio) e Raquel Feitosa Maquiagem: Mariana Guedes (@mariguedes219) Ass. Maquiagem: Higor Baptista (@higorbp) Coreografa: Daniela Souto e Thiago Oli (@94tago) Coordenador de Pós: Leonardo Drehmer (@leonardodrehmer) Finalização de cor: Alice Gouveia (@caminhosdealice) Design Gráfico e Logger: Alice Jardim (@alicejardim) Catering: Rosana Peixoto Apoios: Pura Casa (@puracasasp) Disk Filmes Elite Cam Besto Comunicação Museu Funicular (Sidney) Agradecimentos: Atelier Cênico Juily Malani Nivaldo Vasconcelos Lígia Vicentini Neusa Vitória Galhardo Patrícia Abuhab #Mayra #LookingForYou Music video by Mayra performing Looking For You. © 2019 AfterCluv / Universal Music International


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