Mayra - Listening
Clique aqui e ouça a música:
(Bruno Martini / Mayra Arduini)
It happened once to me
And twice to her
Some aren’t even here
To spread the word
It happens every day
And we’re not safe
But God is a man
Like all the others are
And I can’t even look at myself
I don’t belong to myself no more
I feel ashamed of myself
wish you could see
I’m on my knees and
Pray so I’ll be heard for once
You listening
Cause it can be anyone
I’ll be heard for once
You listening
Cause it can be anyone, one, one, one, one
Cause it can be anyone, one, one, one, one
I have the memories
But that’s no proof
It’s stained inside of me
Like a tattoo
I’ve learned to hide myself
That doesn’t work
They give me compliments
That I don’t want
She can’t even look at herself
She don’t belong to herself no more
She feels ashamed of herself
Wish you could see, she’s on her knees now
Pray so I’ll be heard for once
You listening
Cause if can be anyone
I’ll be heard for once
You listening
Cause it can be anyone, one, one, one, one
Cause it can be anyone, one, one, one, one
Cause it can be anyone, one, one, one, one
Cause it can be anyone, one, one, one, one
You listening, are you listening
It can be
Anyone around me
You listening
Are you listening
Cause It can be
Anyone around me
You listening
Are you listening
Cause it can be
Anyone around me
It can be
Anyone around me
Direção A&R: Miguel Cariello
Gerente A&R: Rogerio Gonçalves
Coordenação A&R: Fernanda Mesa, Igor Alarcon e Camilla Lins
Label Manager: Pollyanna Assumpção
Produzida por: Bruno Martini
Diretor de Vídeo: Patrícia Galucci
#Mayra #Listening
Produção: Maria João Filmes (@mariajoaofilmes)
Com: Daniel Mazzarolo (@mazzadan) , Luiz Renato (@natoeutonia), Paulo Salvetti(@polsalvetti), Eric Meirelles(@ericmeireles), Thiago Cavalcante (@thiago2cavalcante)
Ass Executiva: Cecilia Mazzeto (@ceciliamazetto)
Direção: Patricia Galucci (@patriciagalucci)
Ass. Direção: Juka Tatini (@jukatatini)
Roteiro: Patricia Galucci e Luiza Fazio (_faziology) Diretora de Produção: Liza Schechtmann (@lizaschechtmann)
Produtor: Carolina Batista(@escaroles) Fotografia: Alice Gouveia (@caminhosdealice)
1˚ Assistente de Câmera - Isis Caroline Pereira de Souza
Direção de arte: Carol Ozzi (@carolozzi) e Marina Eisenhauer (@eisenhauermarina)
Produtora de Objeto: Mariana Kinker (@marianakinker)
Cenotecnica: Celia Regina (@celia_regina_freitas)
Assistente de Arte - Paulo José Pereira do Nascimento; Wallace Simmons
Eletricista: Janaina Ribeiro Figurino: Nicole Nativa (@nicoleninaimagem) e Sofia Ortiz (sofiahelenaortiz) Maquiagem: Mariana Guedes (@mariguedes219) Coreografo: (94tago) Coordenador de Pós: Leonardo Drehmer (@leonardodrehmer) Finalização Cor: Alice Gouveia Design Gráfico e Logger: Alice Jardim (@alicejardim)
Catering: Rosana Peixoto
Pura Casa (puracasasp) Laboratorio de Drone
Disk Films
Elite Cam
Atelier Cenico Carlos Candido
Juily Malani
Nivaldo Vasconcelos
Neusa Vitória Galhardo
Lucas Thomaz
Daniela Souto
Music video by Mayra performing Listening. © 2019 AfterCluv / Universal Music International